Wednesday, January 12, 2011



 He that rises late must trot all day. – Benjamin Franklin

Time stays long enough for those who use it. – Leonardo Da Vinci

Better three hours too soon, than one minute too late. ~ William Shakespeare

To do two things at once is to do neither. ~ Publilius Syrus

He does not seem to me to be a free man who does not sometimes do nothing. ~ Cicero

The key is in not spending time, but in investing it. ~ Stephen R. Covey

“Don’t be fooled by the calendar. There are only as many days in the year as you make use of. One man gets only a week’s value out of a year while another man gets a full year’s value out of a week. ~ Charles Richards

“It’s not enough to be busy, so are the ants. The question is, what are we busy about?” ~ Henry David Thoreau

Whether it’s the best of times or the worst of times, it’s the only time we’ve got. ~ Art Buchwald

Time is the scarcest resource of the manager. If it is not managed, nothing else can be managed. ~ Peter F. Drucker
No one is certain of tomorrow. But you and I are certain that we exist here and now. The only time that you have in your hand, the only time that you can really do something about, the only time that you need to live your best life is the time we now both have-- now.

Today might be your last chance.

Today might be my last chance.

Today might be the last chance to show our love to our friends.

Today might be the last chance to show our love to our family.

Today might be the last chance we must say sorry to everyone we hurt.

Today might be the last chance to give someone our forgiveness.

Live each day as if it be your last.

The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.  -  Stephen Covey

The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing. - Stephen Covey

There are three constants in life... change, choice and principles.
- Stephen Covey

Time is what we want most, but what we use worst. - William Penn

Determine never to be idle. No person will have occasion to complain of the want of time who never loses any. It is wonderful how much can be done if we are always doing. - Thomas Jefferson

Make use of time, let not advantage slip. - William Shakespeare

This time, like all times, is a very good one, if we but know what to do with it. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

A man who dares to waste one hour of life has not discovered the value of life. - Charles Darwin

Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of. - Benjamin Franklin

If you want to make good use of your time, you’ve got to know what’s most important and then give it all you’ve got. - Lee Iacocca

Take care of the minutes and the hours will take care of themselves. - Lord Chesterfield

You’re writing the story of your life one moment at a time. - Doc Childre and Howard Martin

Never let yesterday use up today. - Richard H. Nelson

You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

This is the beginning of a new day.
God has given me this day to use as I will.
I can waste it or use it for good.
What I do today is important, because
I am exchanging a day of my life for it.
When tomorrow comes,
this day will be gone forever,
leaving in its place something
that I have traded for it.
I want it to be gain, not loss;
good not evil; success not failure;
in order that I shall not regret
the price I paid for it.
Author Unknown

Money, I can only gain or lose. But time I can only lose. So, I must spend it carefully. - Author Unknown

Time is money. - Benjamin Franklin

Your greatest resource is your time. - Brian Tracy

Time is really the only capital that any human being has, and the only thing he can’t afford to lose. - Thomas Edison

One worthwhile task carried to a successful conclusion is worth half-a-hundred half-finished tasks. - Malcolm S. Forbes

To think too long about doing a thing often becomes its undoing. - Eva Young

A year from now you will wish you had started today. - Karen Lamb

The surest way to be late is to have plenty of time. - Leo Kennedy

While we are postponing, life speeds by. - Seneca

You may delay, but time will not. - Benjamin Franklin

Never leave ’till tomorrow which you can do today. - Benjamin Franklin

Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.
-         H. Jackson Brown

The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot. - Michael Altshuler

Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you. - Carl Sandburg

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Saturday, January 8, 2011





What is PRESENT?

PRESENT is the smallest fraction of the timeline. The present is a single moment on the infinite Timeline. It is not proposed to define moment other than saying PRESENT = THIS MOMENT = PRESENT. We are always in the present moment.


You cannot go back and forth on the timeline. Like in many other things, You have no such choice. Further, you are getting tossed continuously from THIS MOMENT, to the next moment on the uni-directional time line, without any of your choice or volition. Time line is the base, which is moving constantly, beneath your feet; beneath your life. Every moment is presented to you – with some choices and some compulsions for you. You are the witness for many things and you are  the actor for some things, in each moment present before you.

In this journey of the time line, you are always at the Present Moment. You are not the traveler. Specifically, You are not ALLOWED to travel either into the PAST or into the FUTURE.

This is comparable to a train journey. The train is moving; not you. YOU are not the traveler. The train is. You are comfortably at Rest but inside the train. Yet, the train movement itself results in you being taken to various places. Within the train, you can move about, in a limited way.


As in the case of train Journey, when the timeline train is moving, you too are BEING MOVED IN IT, WITHOUT YOUR CHOICE  – (a) starting from the sperm-egg state to the embryo state, (b) from there to the child state, (c) from there to the boy/girlhood state, (d) from there to the youth state, (e) from there to the adult state, (e) from there to the middle aged state, (f) from there  to the old age state, (g) from there  to the state of death and (h) from there to the disintegration into the five universal elements. Though this is the normal progression, we can drop dead and drop out of life at any stage and cut short the cycle. This last thing can possibly be our choice, which we will examine later.

Within this timeline train and within this birth to death Journey, You are performing so many actions incessantly. You are undergoing changes every moment. Your surroundings – starting from you to the end of the universe – is  also undergoing changes every moment.

Action, action, everywhere action; and every where change. Change in every moment. This is the Universe. This is YOU.

You, or the world, cannot halt even for one moment. The journey is always on.
It is on this shifting base, that you plan what you call as TIME MANAGEMENT and LIFE MANAGEMENT. You plan what you can influence by your volition.

So, What can be the definition of PRESENT?


Our time is tied to our clocks and to our concept of days, nights, years etc which is based on sun-moon-earth relative movements. If we forget these relative time concepts, in the absolute world, there is no time; there is only action and change.


Within this life, what can be our Goals? There are many things in life which are clearly beyond our volition and choice. In their respect, your goals have to be to accept them in conditionally. As Bhagavad Gita says, all that is happening is good; all that has happened is good ; and all that is going to happen also is good.

There are many things in which you do enjoy a huge choice. Your goals have to be there.

The Law of the universe is – if you strive to change the things that are within your choice, things which are beyond your choice  change, in consonance with your effort.

What is your GOAL in your life? Aristotle named happiness as the primary goal of life. Let us assume that this be so. It looks almost obvious. Whatever gives you happiness – is your goal in life. But then, do you know what gives you happiness?

This is the million dollar question in life?
(1) You want a healthy body. Without a healthy body, it is very difficult to be happy. But, for this to happen, you must eat balanced diet, do appropriate exercises, keep off from excessive stress, tension, worries etc, keep your self relaxed, build your immunity..and.. do all those things which ensure a healthy body.

You will readily agree with all these things. But, just look it carefully. You really do not know any thing of what is happening at this moment, in all your internal organs beneath the outermost layer of your skin. Your heart is beating; your lungs are pumping air in and out; your digestive system is furiously busy in converting food into different things; your circulatory system is busy; your excretory system is busy; so many other systems are busy; but, you have absolutely no knowledge of all of all these things and absolutely no control.

But, you know one thing. If you eat well; exercise well; keep relaxed.., all of your internal systems will function well. You are given this user level knowledge, to manipulate the external potentials. You are not given the knowledge or authority to directly interfere with the internal systems. So, fix your user level goals – and you will be happy. This is what we meant when we said earlier - if you strive to change the things that are within your choice, things which are beyond your choice  change, in consonance with your effort.
(2) You want friends – because Friends can make you happy.
This you know; but, for this to happen, you must become a good friend of those people. Your goal is not in your hands. But, this effort to be a good friend of others is in your hands; in your volition. So, actually, wanting friends is not the goal. Being a friend is the real goal.
(3) You want people to love you. Then you can be happy. But, for this to happen, you must first love people. So, your GOAL must be to love people, unconditionally, unreservedly.
(4) You want to be intelligent; therefore, learn intelligent things. Use them daily. Your brain assimilates these intelligent things. Your brain is not under your direct control. The outside things it wants are.
(5) By manipulating the externalities and working on them, you create your internalities.
(6) But most of the time, we fix goals which lead us towards the opposite of our main goal of happiness. We want HAPPINESS. No one in his right senses, wants to be UNHAPPY. But, we do many things which directly result in unhappiness. We fix goals which are antithetical to the HAPPINESS GOAL – though, it may not look like that at the first instance.
(7) Once a great warrior king was passing through a forest path along with his mighty army, after conquering one kingdom and in search of another kingdom to conquer. Deep in the forest, he saw a beggar-like person, sitting under a tree. This person wasn’t a beggar, but a great yogi; a sage. The warrior king looked at him and was perplexed at the great joy reflected in his face and in his entire being.
(8) The king got down, went to him and asked him the cause of his great joy. The king told him – I am an emperor. I have so many kingdoms under my control. I have so much money and all treasures. I have so many servants. I have so many comforts; so much of physical health and strength. I have everything that a man can possibly have. So, I have many reasons to be happy. But, you have nothing at all. What is the cause of your great joy?
(9) The begger-sage replied – O mighty Emperor. I have a big stone with me. Just keep your hands straight before me. I will place this stone in your hands and tell you the cause of my great joy.
(10)                   The emperor stretched his hands. The beggar-sage placed a big stone in the outstretched hands of the emperor and asked him to hold it for some time. The emperor held it for some time and asked, tell me the cause of your joy. The sage said – please hold the stone for some more time. This was repeated a few times. The emperor could not hold the stone beyond a few minutes and said – well, I will now place the stone back on earth. After putting down the stone, he heaved a sigh of relief and said – o beggar, tell me the source of your joy.
(11)                   The beggar asked – Emperor, were you happier when you were holding the stone or on leaving the stone? The emperor agreed that he was happier after leaving the stone. The begger-sage said – I have left all stones. Now, I don’t hold any stone, beyond the absolute minimum. Therefore I am in great joy. You are not in such joy, because, you are holding too many stones in your hands, for too long.
(12)                   We will continue  the discussion on THE PRESENT, the greatest present in the hands of all of us, in the next post.

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Friday, January 7, 2011



= P A S T =

So far, we have dealt with many aspects of TIME MANAGEMENT in the following 4 posts.










Time, as we know, consists of Past, Present and Future. In the current post, we will deal with PAST exclusively in some more detail.


I define Past  by the following equation :


Past can really have no other better, all inclusive definition. PAST is an unchangeable, static Picture. There is no FACT, other than PAST. This also means, the totality of the PAST is equal to  totality of the FACT.

The present and future are not yet a fact. We will see that in the next post.

PAST is not available to us, to view or edit or delete! It is not available to us, for any purpose.

But, yes. Every Individual has a memory store. You can store any memories there and recall them in the memory itself. They are far from being perfect and far from representing the totality of the Past. 

This memory serves a purpose. This means, our past serves a purpose. We have seen it in the previous post.  Our past has a huge influence on the present and the future. Our past is the CAUSE and the present is its RESULT. The Past and the present  together is the CAUSE and future is the RESULT. The CAUSE and EFFECT sequence links the past with the present and the future inextricably.

Your memory is NOT THE PAST.  It is not the REALITY. It is an imperfect image of the PAST that you can store. Memory is a record of your PERCEPTION.


Your Perceptions are received through your five senses. Your five senses are imperfect, limited and designed for specific purposes. They can’t serve purposes other than their designated, innate purpose.

For instance, your ears can perceive sounds above a certain decibels and below a certain decibels. It means, your ears function within a range of sound. Your eyes too, have a range of vision. Your skin has a range of touch sensation. Your nose has a range of smell sensation. Your tongue has a range of taste sensation. They don’t serve you beyond their range, nor, can they serve other sense purposes. Eyes can’t hear and ears can’t see. Your sense organs are a small facility given to you for a limited purpose.


Your mind is a machine which synthesizes these sense stimuli, but in a very imperfect way. Mere seeing with eyes is not perception. Mere hearing with ears is not perception. When these are synthesized by the brain in its own imperfect manner, your perception happens. Your perception enables you to send outward signals for acting on the perceived stimuli. Your sense organs bring in the external signals into the brain. The brain, acting on them, directs the organs of action to act on them.

The organs of action are, mouth (for speech, for eating etc), hands (for holding/lifting etc), for legs (mobility), nose for breathing, sneezing etc, excretory organs for excretion etc.


while the input organs (sense organs) and the output organs (organs of action) are in our conscious control, the internal processing organs are kept out of our conscious control. Our heart, lungs, digestive organs and every single organ below the outermost layer of the skin is put out of our conscious control.

The only internal organ which is under our conscious control – is the consciousness itself. We may call it the brain – but there is something beyond the brain, which is the real controller, which is our consciousness. The brain is a mere junction of the input and output organs. It is the consciousness, which is the real you, which controls all of your actions.

In Sanskrit – we call these all as (i) Jnanendriyas (Sense Organs or input organs) (ii) Karmendriyas (organs of action or output organs) (iii) Mano, Buddhi, ahankara, chittha – which are the four parts of the brain, responsible for thinking and feeling, decision making, “I” or ego sensation, memory – which are the junction between inputs and outputs  (iv) Consciousness, the real controller.

Your memories are stored in you in the Chittha function of the brain. While perception as it happens itself is very imperfect, memory is much more so, and becomes further degraded and imperfect, with passage of time.

Memory of the Universe :

But then memories of past are stored everywhere in the universe. Every atom has a story stored in it. Every living cell and living being has stories or memories storied in it. The whole space around us has many stories stored in it. All this, however, are imperfect images and incomplete images.

We have no perfect, receptive or retentive capacity. The same is the case with other animate and inanimate things that store images of the past. They do not tell us the ENTIRE STORY OF THE PAST.


Can we put together a perfect edition of a PAST STORY? It looks difficult, almost impossible. The ancient Indian science of Yoga has some clues to this receptive capacity.

Maharshi Patanjali deals with a process called SAMYAMA in his yoga sutras, which is a great enabler in such matters. But then, people capable of these feats are not available to us for either scientific investigation or for enabling us to delve into past, for any of our mundane purposes.


Past is a continuum of all the changes that happened before this moment in the Universe. But, from when? When did the past begin? We do not know!

PAST as we are talking of, is far beyond the reach of our five senses and our mind.

It is truly infinite. Its beginning is unfathomable. But its end is somewhat reasonably in sight. Or, so we believe.

When we talk of past, we are talking of the continual changes that occurred at the micro to the macro levels in the  universe BEFORE THIS MOMENT, but not including this moment.  Past ended before this moment. As simple as that!

Since we have no access to PAST as the FACT that actually happened, we are depending on our imperfect perceptions and memories of the past. History as it is written and read by us is a huge, imperfect, incomplete record of these perceptions and memories.

We have defined PAST. We have understood that other than storing imperfect images of past in our memories or in stores around us (even magnetic / electronic storing materials), we can not in any way manipulate the past or access the past.

We have also seen that past is the cause on which the present and the future are built.


If every thing that happens is a mere CAUSE and EFFECT  sequence, do we, as human beings, have any independent, intelligent role to play at all? Is there any thing at all, which we can call as TIME MANAGEMENT or LIFE MANAGEMENT done by us?

As far as PAST  is concerned, there is no time management or Life Management.

PAST teaches us lessons. Lessons are useful for the present and future.

Do we learn the RIGHT or the WRONG lessons – is what makes the past USEFUL  or HARMFUL.

In many cultures across the world, there are many harmful lessons doing the rounds. The emotional brain is at work in all of them  – and not the impartial CONSCIOUSNESS.

This is bound to have its adverse CONSEQUENCES.

We will examine  PRESENT  in similar detail, in the next post.

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Saturday, January 1, 2011

WELCOME 2011 = ADIEU 2010


ADIEU 2010

This Blog (wiselivingideas. blogspot. com)  wishes all the  readers a very happy, prosperous and momentous New year, 2011.

May the new year be full of new initiatives, leading to a richer, fuller and more joyful life for all the readers.


It is for this reason that we invite all readers to come and discover how we can change our life for the better. A better life is not more difficult. It is in fact much more easier. Let us improve our quality of life through such easy, effortless changes in our life.

The blog has two associate blogs –

Readers are invited to share the very rich content in these two blogs as well.

The topics which we have dealt with in wiselivingideas blog during 2010 are listed below.

This blog generally tried to give you original ideas, thoughts from ancient India and ideas which are exceptional in quality but not well known. 

In 2011, this blog will endeavour to place before youideas which can move your life to much greater heights. The posts will be much more often and well diversified. 

This writer was teaching some of these subjects for over 5 years to mature audiences and has subsequently re-searched in-depth into the subjects in recent years. 

However, this blog seeks readers’ active discussion of the topics, in the form of their comments, so the points raised can be explained more and fresh insights added. 

2010 was a good year.  

May 2011 be a GREAT YEAR for all of us!

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