Saturday, June 26, 2010



We have seen in the three previous Posts – (a) how our wants and needs differ in their basic nature, (b) the functioning of the physical quotient and Intellectual quotient and (c) the functioning of emotional, social and spiritual quotients.
It is astonishing to know – how little we know the body and its five quotients we are living with and  how this is affecting our life every moment!
We will continue the discussion on human needs with reference to two  classifications – one by Abraham Maslow (the five layer structure of human needs) and another, by the ancient Indian saints ( a four layered structure) .


Abraham Maslow is very famous for his hierarchy of human needs developed in 1940-50s. It is usually presented in the shape of a multi layered triangle :
In Maslow’s Needs Triangle, we find FIVE layers of human needs. He calls the five layers of needs as Physiological needs, Safety needs, Love/belonging needs, Esteem needs and self Actualization needs.
Maslow felt that these needs are hierarchical in nature. That is, each need comes either before or after another set of needs as per a specific ranking or order of obtainment.
Maslow's needs pyramid starts at the bottom of the pyramid with the basic items of needs of air, food, drink, shelter, warmth, sex, sleep. When one is badly in need of these basic items – he cannot think of striving for higher layers of needs.
These are followed by the Safety needs - protection from Nature/elements, security, order, law, limits, stability, etc. This need arises – after total or at least partial fulfillment of survival needs of the first layer.
Next layer belongs to Love / belongingness needs -  such as a work group, family, Love and affection, relationships. This layer of needs arises – when satisfaction of 1st and 2nd layers of needs is fully or at least partially accomplished.
The next layer is – for  self-esteem, confidence, achievement motivation and commanding respect from others etc. The same logic as earlier holds good here. This arises after full or at least partial satisfaction of the third layer.
The uppermost layer is - for personal fulfillment. He mentions - realizing personal potential, self-fulfillment, seeking personal growth and peak experiences as essential for self actualization. This also arises when the 4th layer of needs is fully or partially satisfied.
In 1970s, the following further needs were added :
Cognitive needs - of knowledge, meaning, etc.
Aesthetic needs – for appreciation and search for beauty, balance, form, etc.
In 1990s, some have further added the following to the classification of needs :
Transcendence needs - helping others to achieve self actualization.
Maslow has written considerably on - how a person at the level of SELF ACTUALIZATION NEEDS views the world, much differently from others. A few of these are mentioned below :
Ø  Keen sense of reality - aware of real situations - objective judgment, rather than subjective
Ø  See problems in terms of challenges and situations requiring solutions, rather than see problems as personal complaints or excuses
Ø  Need for privacy and comfortable being alone
Ø  Reliant on own experiences and judgment - independent - not reliant on culture and environment to form opinions and views
Ø  Not susceptible to social pressures - non-conformist
Ø  Democratic, fair and non-discriminating - embracing and enjoying all cultures, races and individual styles
Ø  Socially compassionate - possessing humanity
Ø  Accepting others as they are and not trying to change people
Ø  Comfortable with oneself - despite any unconventional tendencies
Ø  A few close intimate friends rather than many surface relationships
Ø  Sense of humour directed at oneself or the human condition, rather than at the expense of others
Ø  Spontaneous and natural - true to oneself, rather than being how others want
Ø  Excited and interested in everything, even ordinary things
Ø  Creative, inventive and original
Ø  Seek peak experiences that leave a lasting impression

While there could be lot of criticism of Maslow’s theory – it is chiefly valuable for people and for governments – to strive for satisfaction of the particular layer of needs which is crying for immediate attention – for each specific individual or group of people. His concept of self actualization looks idealistic – but many people – but not all -  are inclined to go for SELF ACTUALIZATION needs after the first 4 levels.
Burton and other needs theorists included a few more in this list, like :
  • Identity -Identity is a sense of self worth in relation to the outside world. Identity becomes a problem when one's identity is not recognized as legitimate, or when it is considered inferior or is threatened by others with different identifications.
  • Cultural security -- is related to identity, the need for recognition of one's language, traditions, religion, cultural values, ideas, and concepts.
  • Freedom -- is the condition of having no physical, political, or civil restraints; having the capacity to exercise choice in all aspects of one's life.
  • Distributive justice -- is the need for the fair allocation of resources among all members of a community.
  • Participation -- is the need to be able to actively partake in and influence civil society

The never ending additions to the list of needs shows that many wants are being classified as NEEDS now.
Many of these needs are listed from motivational angle – rather than ACTUAL NEEDS angle –which means that these are wants and not needs. The clear difference is – their non-satisfaction does not result in any great harm – except some dissatisfaction.
Are these our only NEEDS and WANTS? Are there others – which we are not even conscious of? In our current life – we find so many needs and wants. How should their means of their satisfaction be? Can we employ any type of means for satisfaction of our needs and ends? If I employ some means – which hurt others – what happens to me?
Why and how on earth – are all these WANTS  and NEEDS  becoming our WANTS and NEEDS at all?
We always think of – where did I come from? Where will I go after this life? If I do have an idea of the beyond – what are my needs for the beyond?

These questions too, are begging for our answers.
That will be covered in the next Post.

 *  *  *   E  N  D   *  *  *

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