Thursday, January 14, 2010





World over, success is always accompanied by responsibility. So, what is the one factor that can make you a successful person or turn you into an unsuccessful person? 

The Foremost quality of successful people is found to be that they take charge of their life and hold themselves predominantly responsible for their success and failure. 

The corollary is, that the foremost block to your success is the inner feeling that some one else, other than you, is responsible for your failure – failure specially, since most of the time, you will tend to take credit for success on yourself. 
When failure occurs, it becomes a spontaneous reaction to place the blame on others. It is highly tempting to do so. This one feeling is enough, to lead any one into the depths of failure throughout life.
You must clearly understand that you are the creator of your own destiny.  The essential law of nature that must guide you in life is - that ‘I’ am the creator of success in my life and ‘I’ am responsible for failure in my life. 
Never, never substitute the ‘I’ with ‘we’ or ‘you’ or  ‘they’ or the ‘government’ and so on. Take total responsibility for your life. All success authors of east and west agree on this unanimously. Lord Krishna has said unequivocally in the Gita that,”you only, uplift yourself and you only, destroy your life. You are your best friend when you do the former and you are your worst enemy when you do the latter!”  

You must identify your goals. Give them primacy in your life. Success Experts affirm that you goals must be there daily on your ‘TO DO’ list. That is your calendar. If it does not figure in your calendar on daily basis, it is not your goal, but a mere wish.
Swami Vivekananda has said the same. He wants us to think of the goals, meditate on them, eat on them, drink on them, breath on them and make them an integral part of the life.
Your goals are both the path and the end. Enjoy the journey and you will enjoy the final achievement. 
The ‘Law of Attraction’ which is attracting immense attention in recent times all over the world is found to be true in most circumstances. This law affirms that whatever you seek ardently as a goal is also attracted to you and comes half way to meet you! 
So, take total responsibility for your life and you will be SUCCESSFUL!

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