Friday, October 6, 2017






Today, there is a lot of Divergence between Science and Religion. Both are supposed to explore and declare truth.

But, in reality, science goes on exploring truth continuously. Religion remains fixed and fixated, thousands of years before, from the day it was founded.

Change is the Nature of the Universe. Every atom, every being and every entity big or small is always changing. We say - change only is permanent. Nothing else is permanent. We must accept change. The alternative is - we must bring desirable change by our initiative. Else, anyway, nature changes everything in its own, unfathomable but logical sequence.

Every religion claims that its scripture was given by God himself. And, he gave scriptures at different points of time at different places in different languages, with different subjects  and, he thought it fit to give heavily contradictory statements among the various scriptures that he gave to different peoples at different times in different languages. He is at rest after Kuran, believe the Muslims. He will come again believe the Hindus and the Christians.

He  gave the Bhagavad Gita to India, over 5000 years ago. This is the oldest in the world and straight from God (his Avatar). Who wrote it? Not God but Vedavyasa, who wrote the Mahabharat. He was and is the Most versatile person ever born on earth. I at least find nobody equal to him. He was born of a Sage and a Fisher woman and he went off to meditate immediately after his birth. Nobody ever did it.

Would he then advocate a rigid caste system. The whole Mahabharat is full of inter-caste love affairs and marriages. And quite a few of them promoted by Vyasa himself. Rigidity in caste system has come much later.

Long after that, God gave the Bible to the Jerusalem People. Many wise people are known to have sat and drafted it, approved it, took out some unacceptable portions and finalized a version which was then accepted by Great Kings of that time.  But, of course, Christians believe, it was given by the God, with lots of simple stories, parables, morals,and the usual Heaven, hell etc. I love some of the Biblical sayings. I love Christ too. Many Hindus do. Christ is not a Patent or copyright of Christians, we believe.

Then, he gave the Quran to the Mecca people. They too believe, it was meticulously, verbatim, given / written by God.They will take to the sword, if anyone says, may be or may not be. There are many Good things in Quran. But, when ISIS, Al Queda etc say, they are the authority on Quran, I am afraid.

Gita is now available in all Indian Languages, English and a few other world languages. It is available on the internet. Many interpretations have been given to it. It is beautiful, and highly knowledge-giving and enlightening, to say the least. It is the oldest scripture which is widely read even today (apart from Vedas and Upanishads, which are seldom read). 

There is no problem with anything stated in Gita, though a few things are beyond easy understanding. Except of course the Caste system which needs vast reforms. The caste system has degenerated and is not fair to anybody. Women always enjoyed much better status and authority in Hindu way of life. That too has degenerated a lot - after the advent of the west and west Asian cultures.

Mahabharat people explored all parts of India and outside too. They were great warriors. They had the greatest and the most advanced weapons and were willing to use them like say, Pakistan and one or two other countries at the slightest provocation. They enjoyed life always and fought only when needed. Polygamy and polyandry were passe, but with the willingness of the woman. Never a rape case in those days. There was not an iota of problem for a higher caste man marrying an equal or lower caste woman, but always, with her consent. The reverse cases are very rare, but available.

Mecca people were, are and will always be serious people, who feel, all pleasures and joys are to be had by them only after we die and go to Heaven, which is the most uncertain thing. Who knows, we can always commit a sin in mind at least. I do.

Jerusalem people say- we are born sinners. You can believe anything, if you want to. Can you commit adultery in your mind? Is it a sin? My foot, it is. You should not commit adultery in your mind also. Your mind should be very pure. But show me one idiot, or say, one most pious man, who does not commit adultery in his mind, not once, but continuously, periodically, often. Be honest. Did you or did you not. You did. Honestly. So, you are not going to heaven, unless, you sincerely regret it every time. Sin and regret. Sin and Regret. Sin and Regret. I don't know, if the last thing you do on earth is sin or regret.

All religions are unscientific. Unjustified. Illogical. Unreasonable. Unchanging. Yet, science is equally stupid. It can't find Love, hate, compassion, greed, grief, sorrow, joy etc, which are the real things in this world. Religion knows them but in a partisan, unscientific, unrealistic way. 

If you are one of us, you are coming with us to heaven. Else not. That is the problem with religions. Whether you are going to Heaven itself is very, very uncertain. I will keep people happy around me and i will try to be happy myself right here on earth.

I definitely prefer to enjoy life on earth and keep insurance of religion and good conduct for any travel after death. Which Religion is the issue. I prefer Hinduism but without caste distinctions, over all others. Why? Hinduism is Most logical. Most understanding.  Most permissive. Most joyful religion. Religion with potential for easy change. That's why. 

You don't have to agree. But, don't bring a sword.

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