Friday, January 11, 2013



Here are some NEW HEALTH QUOTES – I have endeavored to place before readers, the essence of Health in most of its aspects – in the form of these quotes.

Enjoy reading them :

1.   We all want to be happy. But, our happiness depends much on our health.
2.   We differ from each other on many things. But, in one, we won’t differ; and that is – “I want to be HEALTHY & HAPPY.”
3.   Good Health and Good humor are highly contagious. Come to think of it, not all sicknesses are that contagious.
4.   Hope creates health and health creates hope.
5.   Keep Nature healthy. Nature will keep you healthy.
6.   Food, water, air and thoughts are the inputs we give to our body and mind. If they are clean and healthy, our health is reasonably assured.
7.   More Medicines, More hospitals and More Doctors is not a good alternative for clean food, clean water and clean air.
8.   Good health becomes easy to achieve – if our Boys and Girls are taught good culinary skills, of what to cook and how, as part of their curriculum, at school and college. Their mutual relationships will improve and later, marital adjustment will also be good, if both are good at culinary skills.
9.   Adequate physical exercise is an integral part of life. No health is possible without it.
10.               An apple a day is good for health. A smile an hour is better.
11.               If you love your work, your work is a cause of your health – not of your sickness. For your sickness, look elsewhere for reasons.
12.               Children must play, fall and rise up. It builds strong bones and great health. A child which is not allowed to fall, will have weak bones and weak health.
13.               Friendship  and Love are Great causes of health and happiness.
14.               Loving and being loved goes a long way in ensuring health and happiness.
15.               Playfulness is health in itself. No age is a bar for Playfulness. You only need a playful mindset.
16.               Cleanliness is next to Godliness. Health follows cleanliness.
17.               Regular and healthy habits lead to health
18.               Service to the unfortunate – the sad, sick, poor and  the orphan – is a sure promoter of health and happiness -  theirs and yours.
19.               Take total responsibility for the health and happiness of your spouse.  Spouse is a sure gift  from God.
20.               Yoga is an excellent way of maintaining and improving physical and mental health
21.               Optimism in the future is a Great way of maintaining health.
22.               A strong faith in your own self is the best source of health.
23.               Take total responsibility for the health and happiness of your Children and parents.
24.               An encouraging, happy and helping person around – is a Huge Plus for any one’s health. Be that to someone. Cherish the bond, when you get one.
25.               Challenges are an integral part of strengthening the body and mind.
26.               Examinations are periodical challenges for strengthening the mind. Students must be taught to take them as such, and not as stress factors.
27.               An examination a month ensures the mental health  of every student.
28.               You are a life-long student. Debilitation of your mind and intelligence starts only when you cease to be a student.
29.               Everything in the Universe finds a place in your body-mind complex. When any such thing comes down in your body-mind from required levels, ill-health arises.
30.               All of us fall sick at some time or other in life. Health and sickness alternate in life. But, which one lasts longer with us – is up to us.
31.               Not to fall sick at all, is not an option open to us. But, it is possible for us to recover fast, when we do fall sick.
32.               Every disease has a cure. And, it is available at the place where the disease arises. One must explore and find it.
33.               Body and Mind can themselves cure most diseases.
34.               Health is not your right – but your responsibility.
35.               Fear is fifty percent of the disease. When fear dissolves, the balance fifty percent also responds well to treatment. The disease may even dissolve by itself.
36.               Recognizing ill-health is the first step to cure. Consulting competent physician is the next.
37.               Concealing illness aggravates it.
38.               What goes into us is what causes illness and health. We have absolute choice on what goes into us. Sow the appropriate seed to reap the fruit you want.
39.               Preventing disease is first priority. Treatment is second.
40.               Too much of anything – is bad for health. 100 percent clean air, water and food, for instance, reduces your immunity to diseases drastically and can cause sickness.
41.               Body develops immunity to diseases – from small doses of exposure to ill-health causing factors.
42.               Fear is a cause of ill-health. So are anger, jealousy, hatred, enmity and other negative emotions.
43.               Superiority and Inferiority complexes are diseases in themselves. Accepting yourself for what you are, keeps you healthy.
44.               Pessimism is a sure cause of ill-health.
45.               Lack of faith in your self produces ill-health.
46.               We can’t kill all bacteria and viruses in the world. But, we can make our body and mind immune to them.
47.               Mosquitoes and Flies are the carriers of many diseases. Keep your house and surroundings free of them.
48.               A constant,  irritating, unreasonable, criticizing person around – is a big cause of ill-health. Get away from such person. If this is not possible, learn to ignore him.
49.               A Nation which does not prevent food adulteration – cannot ensure health of its citizens.
50.               A Nation which pollutes its drinking water sources – cannot ensure the health of its citizens.
51.               A Nation which pollutes its air and atmosphere – cannot ensure the health of its citizens.
52.               A Nation which permits its employers to extract more than 8 hours of work from its labour, on long term basis –  drives its people into ill-health.
53.               A Nation which continuously causes increasing radiation hazards in its atmosphere – goes on increasing the sickness levels of its citizens.
54.               A nation which is averse to challenges weakens it people.
55.               Saathvic food ensures physical and mental health.
56.               Raajasic food spoils mental health.
57.               Taamasic food spoils both physical and mental health.
58.               Saatvic food is one which augments vitality, energy, vigour, health, joy, cheerfulnees, is slightly savoury, oleaginous and stays reasonable time in stomach and is tasty and agreeable to eat. (Says, Lord Krishna, in Gita Ch.7.8)
59.               Raajasic Foods are bitter, sour, saline, over-hot, pungent, dry and burning are Raajasic foods and they produce pain, grief and disease. (Gita.Ch7.9).
60.               Taamasic Foods are that are stale, tasteless, stinking, cooked overnight, refuse and impure are taamasic foods.(Gita.7.10).
61.               Selfless, dhaarmic deeds are Saathvic deeds.(Gita.Ch.7.11)
62.               That deed which expects reward or self-glorification – is Raajasic deed.(Gita.7.12)
63.               That deed which is - contrary to Dharma, is without food distribution and without gifts (to worthy persons) and devotion – is Taamasic deed. (Gita.7.13)

Any further valuable thoughts on Health quotes from readers will be gratefully received and made part of the Health quotes.

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