Thursday, July 5, 2018



Oh God :

Let me know clearly what I can do and focus my attention fully on doing that.

Let me know clearly what I cannot do and keep my focus away from that.

Let me not waste my time in trying to do what I cannot do

This is a popular quote. I like this.I love this. I admire this. I want to follow this. Because, this summarizes the effective, successful, purposeful, happy, healthy Life of an Individual.

This is the basic wisdom that all of us must cultivate in our lives.

This is the first lesson that must be taught in schools and colleges.

There are certain things in life that only we can do and nobody else can do for us.

We can breathe, we can see, we can hear, we can talk, we can smell, we can breathe, we can taste, we can eat, we can talk

we can do certain work with our hands, legs and other parts of  our body,

With our mind and heart, we can think, we can feel,

With our whole systems, we can make relationships, we can learn, we can communicate, we can write, we can carve, we can sing, we can paint, we can construct,

We can destruct, we can abuse, we can fight, we can make enmities, we can kill, we can wound…we can do a whole lot of destructive things….

like this, I can go on mentioning the many positive and negative things that we can do.

CHOICE : Above all these things, we can exercise the power of choice! WE CAN CHOOSE. This is a great power that is given to us – to do what we want to do.

We can also CHOOSE to - not to do, or avoid to do what we don’t want to do or even avoid to do that which we like to do.

PRIORITIZE : There are a million things that we want to do and a thousand things we can possibly do. Our Power of choice allows us to prioritize what we want to do at any particular time. Otherwise, out of the million things that we can do, we will be doing this this minute, that the next minute and go on shifting from one to another, without completing anything at any time. Power of choosing and power of prioritizing are two important tools in our hands to make our life successful.

YOUR GENETIC GIFTS : We have some genetic gifts. Everybody has some Genetic gifts and each has some special gift also, endowed to him. It comes, right from birth and may flower gigantically, hugely by training.

For example, You may be beautiful by birth. Or, you may be just ordinary. Or, some may be even ugly by the standards of the beautiful. This comes to some extent at birth itself.

Even the ugliest person can mend his physical form a lot by appropriate physical culture, physical exercise and so on. There is nothing to worry about these genetic gifts of physical form  - except trying to make the physical form as strong and as handsome / beautiful as possible by careful nurture. What Nature gives, we must improve by nurture, by our effort.

SCOPE FOR IMPROVEMENT : - We must not become either egoistic or pity ourselves or dislike others in respect of any such genetic, birthly gifts.

Our duty is to improve ourselves as much as possible by our effort. The scope for improvement is phenomenal in case of all people. Instead of focusing on that, we must not fritter away our energies in pitying ourselves or hating others.

You can see that many black people in some countries are very strong and very athletic and because of that, very attractive. But, most people in countries like India are weak. We do not exercise the power of choice to be strong! Indians must consciously choose to be strong, athletic and flexible. We must choose this as a society. We must do it today, individually and as a nation.

Our governments wants to supply computers to students. I have no quarrel with that. Let them also supply Dumbbells of a medium weight to all students to practice daily. Education is of the mind and of the body both. Of the Body first and then, of the mind. Without the body,

there is no mind. Let every Indian become strong first. When the Prime minister of India talked of a 56” chest, or more than 50” chest at least as some critics say, it is an invitation to all youngsters to surpass that. When he recently gave a fitness challenge, many leading stars took it. Including me, though I am not a star.

WHAT CANNOT BE MENDED OR AMENDED : - There are of course a few things which possibly cannot be mended or amended or reformed. Some people are born with some physical disabilities like Helen keller. She was deaf and dumb. But, that did not prevent her from achieving some greatest achievements. 

There are many who are born without eyes, without legs, without hands, with genetic defects, with deceases and so on. But each of them are also born with some unknown special gift. The idea of human society should be to nurture those special gifts and make him proud, or self satisfied individuals who are also adored in some way for heir talents.

AGE : At every age, you have a special talent. At childhood, it may be innocence and constant aptitude to learn new things. At Old age, it is maturity , patience and power to pardon. At every age, you have a special talent and you must nurture that talent.

YOUR GOAL : your goal of life must be to flower your innate talents, bring them out to be useful to you and to all those around you. Whatever you possess, don’t hide. Don’t be hesitant of, and afraid of exhibiting your talents. If you can write well, write and publish. If you can sing, sing to yourself and at public functions. Do whatever you can and benefit all those around you.

What good you can do – that you must try to do.
What good you cannot do – forget about it
What bad you can and cannot do – forget about it
What good quality you can improve, you must try to improve it.
What good quality you cannot improve, forget about it.
What bad quality you have, fight against it, get rid of it.

The greatest good quality that you can possess is – being happy and making others happy and being happy at others’ happiness

The greatest bad quality is its opposite.

I wish you all have understood and digested these first lessons of life. Follow them and be happy.

Wish you all the Successes in the world
