East, west or any where in between, whether you are Black, white, brown or yellow, one thing is certain. You want to be happy always.
Another thing that is almost certain is - you don't know how to be happy all the time.
If we can be happy even when we are unhappy, and if we can be happy when we are happy as well - it could be great. But, such contradictions don't exist in reality. If you are unhappy, you are god damned unhappy. But, when you are happy, there is always the fear that the happiness will not last; that, unhappiness is round the corner.
That is how life goes always. The wealthiest man isn't half as happy as many of the way-side beggars; and not even half the time, that the Beggars are.
We are in-between the two extremes. Given a choice between wealth and happiness, we surely do not know what to choose.
We want both, but if that is not possible, choosing just one of them is not an easy cake-walk.
But, which of the two is an easier task? Becoming wealthy? Or, being Happy?
Most of us know that being happier is easier than becoming wealthy. Yet, we want to be both; Which is really the problem aspect of our lives.
OK.Becoming wealthy is a long term Plan. Being Happy is the short term Plan. To be precise, it is today's Plan; this moment's plan. You can't be wealthy this moment, if you were not wealthy the moment before.
But, you can be happy this moment, whatever you were till the previous moment.
So, what should you do this moment - to be happy this moment. There are many things that you can do this moment. Here is one to start with :
1. The best and the easiest thing you can do to be happy, is - "Just do nothing!" That means, stop doing all that you are doing. Close your eyes. lie down. stop doing everything. Just lie down. stop desiring anything - because, this moment, you need NOTHING; Just nothing - to be really happy. Tell yourself, I want nothing , this moment. clear all thoughts, all aspirations, all desires, all fears, all doubts - just everything from you mind. It looks difficult. But, really not so. Just lie down and try this. You can do this. Very easily. Do this. Instantly, your happiness, your peace, your tranquility will hit the roof. you are full of them. You now find - you really need nothing to be happy. be that - for as long as you can; as long as you want.
You can do this whenever you want; wherever you want; you don't need anything to do this. This is the essence of life. Some call it relaxation. Some call it Yoga. Some call it Vairagya; some call it non-attachment;
Buddha says - the root cause of all suffering is - desire.
Every moment you become desireless, you become happy.
You can repeat this experiment any number of moments; you can do so and be so all your life too...
You can be happy all your life.
Does it mean - you must be doing nothing all your life? Not so. You can be doing many things - and yet be desire-less all the time. You can enjoy everything, every moment all your life..
Doing many things ... being desireless...and being happy all the time...it is something you must try..all the time.
* * * E N D * * *
PS : Tip 2 onwards will follow - any time.