Thursday, December 5, 2013

FIRST THINGS FIRST - STEPHEN R COVEY - What does life's Success depend on ?



One of the Main WISE LIVING IDEAS, I always adored is -

"The Main thing in Life is to keep the Main thing the Main thing."

This is from Stephen Covey.

If we can't keep the Main thing in life as the Main thing - Life goes away in front of our eyes so fast - that we arrive at its end - with nothing to show as our Life's purpose or our Life's achievement.

The first question to ask therefore is -

What is the Main thing in our Life?

Stephen Covey gives us clear Indications on = what on earth is this MAIN THING  in our Life.

Putting first things first is the art of life.

This is the best use of time. 

The issue is not between good and bad.

It is between good and the best.

The enemy of the Best – is the Good.

What keeps us from giving our time and energy to the Best things of life? Are there too many good things?

Are we giving the Best of our relationships the time due to them?

Are we giving the best of our Goals, the real Game changers of our life, the time due to them?

Are lesser, easier, trifles taking too much of our time?

This are the questions to ask.


What do we do with the Best ideas of our Life - the real Life changers - the real Game changers - the ones which give Maximum satisfaction to us and those who are around us?

What else? 

Implement them! Give them the TOP PRIORITY. Give them the THE MAXIMUM TIME. Give them the MAXIMUM EFFORT; Give them the Maximum Planning.  Go all out to achieve them.

Be it You and I as Individuals; or we as small societies; or all of us as a nation - this must be our goal.

Keep the Main thing the Main thing.

Let us therefore determine the "Main thing" of our Individual Lives; of our social lives and of our National life.

Each Nation must also determine its International priorities, likewise.

Take a look at the 4 quadrangles above. 

In essence, what are in the second from left - the Important, but NOT URGENT, these are the real priorities of Life.

You as Individual, are free to add or delete a few to make it your personal MAIN THINGS  of life.

Then, the Game of Life changes automatically.

You will move from one Great success to another.

Life will be Hugely satisfying.

= Yours


Thursday, November 14, 2013


The Panacea For Many Illnesses

WHEAT GRASS JUICE has been catching attention of the world  for its many perceived medical benefits. There are many web sites which mention its preparation, benefits and other details on how it is to be prepared and taken. Many Patients have claimed extraordinary benefits from the regular consumption of WGJ –especially when they were seriously ill. The details as obtained from different web sites and claims by Doctors and Patients are given here :

1.      CHLOROPHYLL : WGJ is a Great source of chlorophyll – and can be taken fresh from a plant which is still green and living. This means, the benefits are far greater than any medicine obtained across the counter in a pharmacy.

2.      LIQUID FORM : WGJ is better taken in liquid form, for easy absorption. But, if this is not available, Powder form or tablet form, if available can also be taken, though with slightly diminished benefits. During travel etc, Powder/tablet form may be the only possible way also.

3.      RICH IN NUTRIENTS : WGJ is very rich in many nutrients needed by the Human body, and many life supporting molecules. Being green and still living, it is easily absorbed into the body and assimilates into it.

4.      HEMOGLOBIN : It is very good in restoring Hemoglobin levels in anemic persons, restores health and also delays aging process. Its cell is very similar to that of Hemoglobin with very minor changes – and hence gets easily absorbed into body Hemoglobin

5.      NON-TOXIC : It is non-toxic in all reasonable quantities. Many patients were administered 3-4 glasses of WGJ per day, when they were ill. Subsequently it was diluted half with water and taken.n Where small side effects were seen like diarrhea, diluted Juice was given and this itself arrested the diarrhea also , and cured other illnesses in the body

6.      FIGHTS BACTERIA : It stops  growth of Harmful bacteria –whether taken inside or applied outside on the skin.

7.   SKIN AILMENTS : Applied on outside skin, it had excellent Positive effects in controlling skin ailments – like itching, eczema, psoriasis , ACNE etc.

8.  TOXINS IN BODY : It removes harmful drugs and toxins deposited in the body and purifies liver – and also has antiseptic properties

9.      DIABETES : It is also good in Diabetes

10.  HEALING : It can clean foul smells, infections, heal wounds, cure  sinusitis, ear infections, rectal sores, vaginal infections, and many other such problems in the body

11.  KEY SYSTEMS IN BODY : It can tone up the functioning of the heart, lungs, Brain and other key systems in the body.

12.  TOOTH DECAY : It  prevents tooth decay – if kept in mouth and gurgled for some time, before swallowing.

13.  RECTAL HEALTH : If taken in through the rectum, kept for some time and then thrown out, it is good to keep the rectal functions healthy.

14.  MUSCLES & BONES : It is good for PAINS ETC IN arthritis.

15.  RBC COUNT & BP : It improves RBC count and reduces High Blood Pressure. It also removes heavy Metals from the Human Body. It restores alkalinity to the blood. The juice’s abundance of alkaline minerals helps reduce over-acidity in the blood.

16.  GENERAL HEALTH : It improves health, strength and stability

17.  DEBRIS IN BODY PARTS : It cleanses the debris from blood, other organs and gastrointestinal tract. 

18.  METABOLISM : It also stimulates metabolism and the body’s enzyme systems by enriching the blood.   

19.  THYROID ETC : It stimulates the thyroid gland, correcting obesity, indigestion, and a host of other complaints. It can be used to relieve many internal pains, and has been used successfully to treat peptic ulcers, constipation, diarrhea, and many other complaints of the gastrointestinal tract.

20.  PROTECTION FROM CANCER : It fights tumors and neutralizes various toxins. WGJ has Good ability to fight different types of tumors effectively. It has abundant oxygen in it and cancer cells cannot survive in its presence. It also serves as anti-inflammatory and reduces adverse effects of radiation

21.  Heals wounds : It contains beneficial enzymes and heals wounds.

22.  WEIGHT REDUCTION : You can reduce weight in an easy and healthy way. But, WGJ is most beneficial when taken in an UNCOOKED WAY – as cooking can destroy or reduce many of its benefits.

23.  HAIR HEALTH : Like other parts of body, it also enhances hair health and restores hair to good health and colour.

24.  FERTILITY : It has beneficial impact on fertility and youthfulness. 
25.  GROWING WHEAT GRASS : Grow wheat Grass from its seeds (soaked in water for a few hours / overnight) by planting it in good soil. You can use small pots,. Trays etc also. Rinse the water  3 times a day. After 3 days, water it a little more and keep the water available to the seed to grow – and preferably grow it in a little shade . Ensure air circulation. Grow it for about 9-10 days. Cut the Grass and store it in  your  Fridge. Make the Juice and preferably drink it fresh. It is understood that a full, glass may result in diarrhea initially. There is no harm in it. But, you may take it diluted in 50% water. Store as Grass – not as Juice. If you can’t take it as Juice or store the grass for 10 days, make it into Powdered form. 

26.  It is true that most Medical associations in the world are yet to recognize its phenomenal benefits in full. But, that is because, they don’t conduct extensive experiments on herbs at all. They will do on chemicals – but not on Herbs. So, statements made without experimenting are not to be taken at face value seriously. 

27. But, when Patients and Doctors are making Huge claims, the Researchers must take them seriously and experiment. Unfortunately, the way the drug companies function, they probably won't allow this sort of research - which completely cures many diseases with one Medicine !  

28. PATIENT'S WISDOM : In the mean time, I personally feel, cancer patients and other serious suffering patients can use their discretion to experiment with this. I don't see any harm in it. It will be ridiculous to say - consult a doctor before taking this. Because, No doctor knows much about it. None of their backers are doing anything to find the beneficial effects of WGJ. So, don't at least prevent patients suffering from serious ailments from getting well from any source - when you know, you don't have a good medicine for their ailment.Leave it to the Patient's wisdom. If he gets well, let us all thank God.
27. AYURVEDIC UNIVERSITIES : Even the Indian Ayurvedic Universities are still in the days of Charaka and Susrutha – and have not yet woken up  to the beautiful medicinal world all around us – in wheat Grass and many other living plants. Perhaps, some of these are Great Cures for many new illnesses and old ones too. But, when are you going to become as great experiments as Charaka and Susruta? This is a call to all Ayurvedic Universities. Please do wake up to your  abilities in experimenting. Find Great cures to all illnesses – with Proof and – Hoist them before the suffering Patients of the world. But, first tell us FAST & IMMEDIATE - all about your findings on these Green grass leaves - with your proof.

*  *  *  E  N  D  *  *  *

Thursday, July 4, 2013



Today’s Corporate Dossier section of Economic Times features Brian Lara – and his phenomenal success story in cricket. So, what are the lessons to learn from Brian Lara, for Success. Economic Times summarizes the lessons for our benefit. These are nothing new – but coming from Lara, they are highly refreshing – and pointing to the ESSENTIALS OF SUCCESS.

Here are the lessons from Lara :

Ø Set small goals, achieving those goals will give you confidence.
Ø When you get the opportunity, be prepared to make the most of it.
Ø Tough times are Great Opportunities to showcase your mettle and create a track record.
Ø Use the rough patches to reorient, re-size opportunity, re-skill
Ø Humility pays, it allows you to see what arrogance blinds you against
Ø After every win, start from Zero
Ø Respect the competitor but bring the war to him
Ø Often the level of preparedness and mental toughness decide the outcome, not the resources
Ø Study your success more closely than your failures
Ø Commit to the Goal completely

You can see the full interview in the ET today (CD section).
I think, our own Sachin Tendulkar would say much the same thing.


Dt :05.07.2013

Friday, June 28, 2013



I am giving here an extract from OSHO'S talks on Yoga sutras. OSHO relates impressive, real-life examples to drive home the Life-Truths. Here is one such. It is mostly self-explanatory. 

You may only get into a doubt whether - this is a method to treat only mad people, or, is it also a method to set right, other people, who are constantly, rubbing the people around on the wrong side. 

Read On :

"In Japan they have a certain method, in Zen monasteries, for treating mad people. In the West they have not yet been able to find anything. They are still groping in the dark. Even ordinary crazy people seem to be beyond help. And psychoanalysis takes three years, five years, seven years. And then too, nothing much comes out of it. You dig the whole Himalaya and you don’t find even a mouse coming out of it. So only very rich people can afford it, as a luxury. Psychoanalysis is a luxury. People brag about it, that they have been psychoanalyzed by a very great psychoanalyst – for five years continuously they were psychoanalyzed, as if it is something of an attainment – and nothing happens. People go from one psychoanalyst to another.

In Japan they have a very simple method. If somebody goes mad he is brought to the monastery. They have a very small cottage separate from the monastery, in a corner. The man is left there. Nobody takes much interest in him – never take much interest in a madman, because interest becomes the food – a madman wants the attention of the whole world; that’s why he is mad. In the first place, he is mad because he demands attention. That has led him to madness.

So nobody takes much care... They care, but they don’t give attention. They give him food and they make him comfortable, but nobody goes to talk to him. Even the people who will bring food and other needs will not talk to him. He is not allowed to talk because mad people like talking. In fact, too much talking has led them to this state.

It is just the opposite of psychoanalysis: psychoanalyst goes on talking and he allows the patient to talk for hours, and the mad people enjoy it very much – and somebody so attentively listening – it is beautiful! Nobody talks in the Zen monastery to the madman. Nobody pays any attention, any special attention. In a subtle indifference, they take care, that’s all. For three weeks nobody talks to him, and because nobody talks he can talk to himself, that’s all. And he relaxes, sits or silently lies down on the bed, and does nothing – no treatment in fact – and within three weeks he is completely okay."

Many people around us are under stress, anger hate, jealousy, depression -  and so on. All these are certain types of madnesses only. 

Sometimes, treating mad people as normal people is the medicine for them. Sometimes, ignoring the outbursts of  angry people is the medicine for them. Sometimes, we must show by our behaviour that jealousy does not pay; and, hate does not pay; people with these must get ignored; 

Put the Board : Only friendly  people are allowed in - No words of anger, Jealousy or Hate are allowed here. It may work for many people. It may not work for the Hard core. Yet, this is worth trying. Putting the Board means - indicating this in as many ways as possible - especially to people with negativities.

Most people agree that there are two ways of dealing with Negativities and Negative people. Be indifferent to negative people -  as much as possible.  Don't give them any importance. Second, don't allow the negativity to percolate into you. This is easier - if we cultivate the Opposite, Positive quality and practice it.

It may be difficult the first time. But, like in all other things, it can be and must be practiced. And, practice makes perfect.

= v.vijayamohan