Wednesday, March 30, 2011




For  Successful,


Marital Relationship


Marital relationship is the most important of all relationships – for several strong reasons :

*      *      This relationship, between a Husband and Wife, has the scope to run for the “Longest period” and, for the “most precious period” of one’s life.
*      *      It is the most intimate relationship of one’s life.
*      *      It has the scope to give each Partner, the maximum joy of one’s life – if both partners are determined to make the marital life a success.
*      *      It is the basis,or, the very source, for most other relationships in life.
*      *      It is sanctioned by all religions and cultures. Religion brings men and women together through socially approved marital relationships.
*      *      It is a biological necessity – and Nature itself gives its best try to keep a couple together.

Be thou, to the other,
What thou want the other to be to you

This is the first and the foremost requirement of a successful marital relationship. If you are not that – there is no way that you can expect the other person to be that towards you.

Most of the strain in human relationships today is due to the non-adherence to this Iron Law  of Human Relationships, by one or the other of the parties to the relationship, or, by both.

We saw that Divorce rates are very high in many western countries and are increasing still. The divorce rates in Eastern countries like India are also increasing gradually.

The reasons usually identified for Divorce are :

•       Financial Freedom (for women)
•       Increased acceptance by family ( of the Divorced Woman)
•       Life in metro cities (No one cares what you are doing)
•       Deterioration of moral values
•       Stressful modern life
•       Transition of gender roles and professional rivalry

And probably many others, some of which we don’t talk of usually.

In today’s social environment, each party has to contribute his or her share of total sincerity and devotion, or else, the marriage ends in failure, and divorce.


we analyzed some famous quotes on marriage and divorce.

Not understanding each other; unwilling to make permanent commitment to marriage; Perverted morals, vicious habits; and so many such factors are identified as contributing to Divorce – by great thinkers and writers.

So - Understand yourself first. Understand your marital partner. Be considerate. Be accommodative to each others’ small weaknesses.

No one is made perfect. When looking at your partner’s weaknesses, remember this :You are probably no more perfect than your partner.

Now – it is time to move on further, in Post.3.

With all the present pressures, stresses and fissures in married life - even now, majority of people do want to marry. It’s biological importance has not diminished. There is a natural urge to marry. But, people no more understand how to make their marriage last and remain harmonious. People suffer a lot in their pre-divorce life and post-divorce life, both.

Yet, they go again in the same path - for divorce after divorce.  It is becoming a hobby.

If a person is married and divorced once, it may be the other person’s mistake. But, if a person is married and divorced thrice, or more, it is definitely not the other party’s mistake only. One should examine one self – if this is happening.

This person must understand life better – before he or she proceeds further in his / her hobby. Instead, many such persons are turning counselors for others.

In my hundreds of workshops on Life skills – one constant agenda was called “the three Challenges” or 3 Cs.

A successful marital relationship (or any other relationship) depends on successfully meeting these 3 Cs. The 3 challenges are as below :

1.   Can you like your self, at least substantially, if not fully?
2.   Can you like your partner, at least substantially, if not fully?
3.   Can you make your partner to like you, at least substantially, if not fully?

Simple Challenges. Aren’t they? Readers must be able to see –that who ever can successfully meet these 3 Cs – is automatically successful in marital life. For that matter – these 3 Cs are the mantra for all relationships.

I am now placing before the world these 3 Cs. Judge yourself.
Let us take the first Challenge.


Can you like yourself

 at least substantially, if not fully?

At first thinking, it may appear very obvious. Yes. I do like myself. Why not?

This challenge is not that simple. It is not a blind love of the self, for no reason. We want to know – why on earth, you like yourself? If you like your neighbor, it is for a good reason. If you like a leader, it is for a good reason. If you like one person as a friend, it is for a good reason. Liking is always - for a good reason.

After a liking happens for a good reason – it may turn unconditional later. We are not at that stage, yet.

So, you must like yourself – for a good, rational, socially acceptable reason. This means, many others may have commended those qualities in you and liked those qualities in you earlier. Let us slightly rephrase the first Challenge.

Do you like yourself substantially, right now? If so, why?

List out the reasons; the specific qualities for which you like yourself.

Now, think of - how many people like you right now, for these specific qualities in you. You might say- if we are going so much in depth, no one can really love any other. Yes. That’s what is happening. Today, two people say to each other “I love you – I love you.” They marry. Tomorrow, they come back and say, “I don’t love you – I don’t love you.” They divorce.

In retrospect, we can see that they never really loved each other. This was the love every animal feels for the opposite sex. Nothing more exists to bind them on a long term basis. On the other hand, many things exist – to separate them, but they did not know them. The seed for separation was present on the day they first said – I love you – to each other.

Therefore, please do tell us – what qualities make you likeable for yourself. These must be the same qualities, for which, you like any one else or others like you.

Which persons on the face of earth have told you so far, that you are  likeable for this, this, this quality in you and therefore, they all like you so much? Has anybody said that?

If no one has said that – why (and how) are you assuming that you are a lovable person at all?

Please don’t tell me that there are no such questions in love. All these questions definitely do arise in divorce. Most marriages end in failure when you can’t answer these 3 Cs satisfactorily. If you don’t have any good reasons for liking your self, how can you assume that your partner-to-be is right in loving you at all or that he / she has good reasons to love you?

Therefore, the success or failure of your marriage depends on answering these 3 Cs satisfactorily.

I know, most people don’t have a good answer. Most people are JUST NOT LOVABLE, for their existing qualities; as they presently are; though, they may be lovable for their biological attraction. But, biological attraction lasts just that long, as that between any two animals on earth. Thereafter, it is love that sustains the relationship.

Let us examine this 1st C from another angle. For the moment, let us forget your marital relationship. What is your record with your other relationships?

Do your  parents, your brothers, your sisters and others (friends) really love you a lot?

Be sure, that you are not just a pastime for them on face book and twitter!

Many people are! Tomorrow, if you are not there on Face Book or twitter, most people will not bother much – unless they really like you a lot; or, in other words, unless you are really likeable a lot!

If a good number of them love you a lot – there are enough qualities in you to like yourself substantially.

Do you love them and reciprocate their love, their liking and their friendship a lot? Love begets love. Friendship begets friendship. Pastime begets Pastime. Now – what is your tally?

Please do search your own conscience and search other people’s hearts - why on earth, anybody should be genuinely liking you, and find good reasons for liking you.

If there are no reasons why others should like you – please understand that there are no reasons why you should like your self as well. This means, that you must make efforts to become likeable and develop likeable qualities in you.

So – you must pass the first C – if you are to be a success in your marital relationship.

Any time – you can give 5 good reasons for other good people to be liking you and cite about 5 good people actually liking you for these good reasons, believe me – your marital relationship  has the potential to last a hundred years; a full life time.

But, to make it actually last your whole life time, you must also pass the other 2 challenges.

That, we will see in the next Post!

*  *  *    E   N   D   *   *   *

Thursday, March 24, 2011




2 Faces of Marital Relationships
Divorce & Marriage

Marriages are made in Heaven.

Many people believed this.

But, Not any more. Because, Divorces are being made on earth equally Fast.

Let us look at a few popular and unpopular quotes on Divorce and then, some on marriage – With some of my comments thrown in. All in humour. We will pull all these, brick by brick – and put a beautiful palace together, in the next Post. For now – enjoy these  :


“You never really know a man until you have divorced him.” = says, Zsa Zsa Gabor.

My comments : On Divorcing, you know that you never knew him earlier, and now you have no chance of knowing him ever. And, the divorced couple can live happily ever after.

“I'm an excellent housekeeper. Every time I get a divorce, I keep the house.”  =   says Zsa Zsa Gabor.

My comments : You are really very careful with the house; and with the Man. You have your priorities right.

“A divorce is like an amputation: you survive it, but there's less of you”  =  Margaret Atwood (Canadian Writer, b.1939)

My comments : Same, before Marriage. Same, after Divorce.

“The fear of making permanent commitments can change the mutual love of husband and wife into two loves of self- two loves existing side by side, until they end in separation.”  = Pope John Paul II (Polish Pope. 1920-2005)

My comments : Love involves Self Surrender by both, to each other. If it is not there, there are two loves, two fears, two jealousies, two angers, two suspicions and so on.

 “Divorce is born of perverted morals and leads to vicious habits”  =   Pope Leo XIII (Pope from 1878 to 1903, 1810-1903)

My Comments : Some one is responsible.

A Roman divorced from his wife, being highly blamed by his friends, who demanded, ''Was she not chaste? Was she not fair? Was she not fruitful?'' holding out his shoe, asked them whether it was not new and well made. ''Yet,'' added he, ''none of you can tell where it pinches me.  =  Plutarch

My Comments : Yes. The wearer knows where the shoe pinches.

“Love, the quest; marriage, the conquest; divorce, the inquest.” =  Helen Rowland

My Comments : Then again, Love, the quest….

“You can't stay married in a situation where you are afraid to go to sleep in case your wife might cut your throat.”  =  Mike Tyson

My Comments : Absolutely right, Mr. Tyson. Or,  even f you are afraid that your spouse may bite away your ear, when you are sleep.

There are many quotes on Divorce. Some say – Americans are the happiest divorcees. Could be. They can divorce so easily and so generously. Many American women some how seem to be more happy to be divorced. Some however feel too much, to lose a husband (or wife) – as if they are in too much short supply – which is not really the case!


“What counts in making a happy marriage is not so much how compatible you are, but how you deal with incompatibility.” =  Leo Tolstoy

My Comments : Yes. There is no absolute compatibility any where. One needs to understands, assimilate and enjoy the incompatibility.

“My advice to you is to get married. If you find a good wife, you'll be happy; if not, you'll become a philosopher.”  =   Socrates

My Comments : Or a murderer. Or a divorcee. Or a lunatic. Or any one of the million things that married men become. Socrates should not presume the same fate for all.

“It is most unwise for people in love to marry.”  =  George Bernard Shaw

My Comments : When the love is fully spent, they won’t marry any way.

“One should always be in love. That is the reason one should never marry.”  =  Oscar Wilde

My Comments : Yes. With some one or other. Always.   Be as wild(e) as possible and win the Oscar for it.

“I first learned the concepts of non-violence in my marriage.”  =  Mahatma Gandhi

My Comments : From whom?

“Marriage is the triumph of imagination over intelligence.” =  Oscar Wilde

My Comments : Love kills intelligence and imagination both. Then comes Marriage - which triumphs over Love which is left out.

“Marriage is the triumph of hope over experience.”  =  Samuel Johnson

My Comments : Marriage finished hope and experience. Divorce revives both.

“A good marriage is one which allows for change and growth in the individuals and in the way they express their love.” =  Pearl S. Buck

My Comments : Your were born a little too early and too lucky. But, some people can still make it work that way.

"I have no way of knowing whether or not you married the wrong person, but I do know that many people have a lot of wrong ideas about marriage and what it takes to make that marriage happy and successful. I'll be the first to admit that it's possible that you did marry the wrong person. However, if you treat the wrong person like the right person, you could well end up having married the right person after all. On the other hand, if you marry the right person, and treat that person wrong, you certainly will have ended up marrying the wrong person. I also know that it is far more important to be the right kind of person than it is to marry the right person. In short, whether you married the right or wrong person is primarily up to you." =  Zig Ziglar

My Comments : This is quite right. So, Stay away from home and speak to all hopeless persons, most of the time. You feel better.

“Ultimately the bond of all companionship, whether in marriage or in friendship, is conversation.”=  Oscar Wilde

My Comments : Yes. Words are the key for conversation and companionship both. Words can please. Words can hurt. Words can starve the marriage. Words can save the marriage.

“When marrying, ask yourself this question: Do you believe that you will be able to converse well with this person into your old age? Everything else in marriage is transitory.” =  Friedrich Nietzsche

My Comments : Many people thought they could - until they married. Then, they didn’t know.

“The world has grown suspicious of anything that looks like a happily married life.” =  Oscar Wilde

My Comments : A comforting thought for many? Know that you are not alone.

“How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being.”  =  Oscar Wilde

My Comments : Yes. Woman must be treated a whole lot of ways differently. Until, one of them clicks.

“To be happy with a man you must understand him a lot and love him a little. To be happy with a woman you must love her a lot and not try to understand her at all.”  =  Helen Rowland

My Comments : Now, we seem to understand.

“Women marry men hoping they will change. Men marry women hoping they will not. So each is inevitably disappointed.”  =  Albert Einstein

My Comments  : As Einstein knows, not that they don’t change or change. Both change invariably – but in unexpected directions.

“What God hath joined together no man shall put asunder; God will take care of that.” =  George Bernard Shaw

My Comments : God couldn’t put one perfect couple on Earth. Why should he be boasting now.

“I have great hopes that we shall love each other all our lives as much as if we had never married at all.” =  Lord Byron

My Comments : Whom was he addressing? Lord Byron has many things to answer.

“The most happy marriage I can picture would be the union of a deaf man to a blind woman.” – Coleridge

My Comments : Good couple. Every man wants one; and every woman  wants - to avoid one.

“The great question... which I have not been able to answer... is, "What does a woman want?” Freud

My Comments : Good question. I have the answer. Many answers in fact. Come back. I will tell you. It is not for those still alive.

"The most effective way to remember your wife's birthday is to forget it once."

My Comments : Marry a few and get a phenomenal memory.

"Where there is marriage without love, there will be love without marriage." - Benjamin Franklin

My Comments : Franklin seems utterly confused. There will be neither. But then, it happens in a marriage. All sorts of confusion can happen, when there is no fusion.

"They say that 50% of all marriages end in divorce. That's not as bad as it sounds, considering that the other 50% end in death."

My Comments : What about the first 50%! What happens to them? Will they live happily ever after??


“To make a marriage successful, a woman need not understand the husband. She must understand herself.”

“Woman has suffered in several ways – but never in silence. But, when man suffered, he suffered mostly in silence.”

“You forgive the other person, of any thing when you are in love – but, you forgive nothing – on marriage”

“Bachelors feel they know all about women – especially the woman they Love. Then they get married, and discover, they never knew anything about any woman – especially the woman they loved.”

“Some are mad. They make others mad – through marriage.”

“Make Marriages Faster; Make Divorces faster. Make Life easy.”

*  *  *   E   N   D   *  *  *

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


For All




99.9 percent of people can be happy only if their immediate, important relationships are harmonious and well maintained.

Ideally, we must possess the capability to be happy by our selves, in all circumstances, whatever be the strain in our relationships with others, or, even if, we have no important relationships at all.

But, if our immediate, important relationships are harmonious – the chances of our being happy are that much better.

If this happens to the majority of the population in a country – that country will be peaceful, lively – and happy. This is a Fact which most of us can accept easily, without much reservation.

But, reality is that - this is not happening to a lot of people. Many people are visibly unhappy in their relationships. The number of people unhappy in their relationships is increasing by the day. Most relationships are under great strain.

Surely, everybody wants to be happy and everybody expects others to maintain loving and harmonious relationships with him / her.

Then, why are the failures in relationships increasing?

Our Education is increasingly becoming devoid of all content that can train us for this important aspect of our life. We are adopting value systems which are inherently and mutually conflicting in nature. There is also no one and no organization now, who is entrusted with this sensitive and important task of training us in forming and maintaining harmonious relationships.

But…, we all want harmonious relationships. We, as individuals and as  society, cannot  thrive well and cannot lead happy lives without such harmonious relationships. Of what great use can economic prosperity be, if our inner world is a vacuum and devoid of happiness?

The Rules for harmonious relationships are basically very simple and well known.

Let us look at a few of them :

*      This one relationship, between the Husband and Wife, has the scope to run for the Longest period and, for the most precious period of one’s life.
*      It is the most intimate relationship of one’s life.
*      It has the scope to give each of the Partners, the maximum joy of one’s life – if both are determined to make the marital life a success.
*      It is the basis, the very source, for most other relationships in life.
*      It is sanctioned by all religions and cultures. Religion tries to bring men and women together through marital relationships.
*      It is a biological necessity – and Nature itself gives its best try to keep a couple together.

What you want the other person to be towards you – you must be that, to him / her. This is the first requirement. This is the foremost requirement.

If you are not that – there is no way that you can expect the other person to be that towards you.

Most of the strain in human relationships today is precisely due to the non-adherence to this Iron Law  of Human Relationships, by one or the other of the parties to the relationship, or, by both.

We want all these, but, we are not any of these, either knowingly or unknowingly.

Let us take, for example, the most important relationship of Life – that between a Husband and Wife.

I am not saying – other relationships are unimportant. They are. But -

*      This one relationship, between the Husband and Wife, has the scope to run for the Longest period and, for the most precious period of one’s life.
*      It is the most intimate relationship of one’s life.
*      It has the scope to give each of the Partners, the maximum joy of one’s life – if both are determined to make the marital life a success.
*      It is the basis, the very source, for most other relationships in life.
*      It is sanctioned by all religions and cultures. Religion tries to bring men and women together through marital relationships.
*      It is a biological necessity – and Nature itself gives its best try to keep a couple together.

Therefore, this is the most important of all relationships and there is a great necessity for both partners to recognize this fact and give their all – for harmonious maintenance of this relationship.

Wonderful!  Do we all recognize this fact reasonably well? If either partner or both do not recognize this fact – the chances are that the marital relationship is bound to end in a failure.

Do the vast majority of married couples give their best effort – for maintaining this relationship well? No. Let there be no doubt – that most people  are not giving their Best effort to keeping their marital relationship harmonious.

We give our all –
for maintaining…, for example, the customer relationship of our organization very well, because, it has been dinned into our ears that customers are very important. We talk most courteously to our customers. We don’t get angry, even with an angry customer. We sink our egos totally and accept even the most unjustified comments of the customers. This of course is how we should be.

We try to provide the customer the most receptive and likeable atmosphere in our premises. We don’t maintain transactional relationship with customers but strive to maintain relational transactions with them. We want them to be with us for their life. We make a lot of efforts to persuade even a dissatisfied customer to stay with us.

But, our spouse is our most important, most valuable, life-long customer. So, we must give our all – to maintain this one relationship. We fail to do this.

We look at our father and mother – and do whatever they ever did to each other. If they quarreled, we quarrel; if they were passive to each other, we will be passive; if they loved each other, we emulate that. If they divorced each other, we also do that. If they never married, we also follow suit.

This happens. But, not always.

There is also the influence of peer examples. If our friends are maintaining good marital relationships, we may do the same. If our friends have strained relationships, we may also tend to have strained relationships.

Peer Examples may also come from elder brothers, sisters, uncles and aunts in the family etc.

Some whole countries tend to have better, long lasting marital relationships than some other countries – which are due to some kinds of peer pressure. They may also change by peer pressure of the other friendly countries.

What makes marriages tick in some countries, in some families and for some couples?

But, we love statistics a lot today. Therefore, let us look at the following statistics :


Readers  may find below statistics of age at marriage for those who divorce in America - according to, and many other web sites on the subject.  There is general agreement on these statistics among most of the web sites on this subject.

Age                     =   Women   =  Men
Under 20 years old  =  27.6%    11.7%
20 to 24 years old   =  36.6%    = 38.8%
25 to 29 years old   =  16.4%    = 22.3%
30 to 34 years old   =  8.5%      =  11.6%
35 to 39 years old   =  5.1%      =  6.5%

According to enrichment journal on the divorce rates in America, the divorce rate in America for first marriage is 41%; the divorce rate in America for second marriage is 60%; the divorce rate in America for third marriage is 73%.

The divorce rate in America is more than 50%, which means one in two couples will break up.


Now, let us take a look at divorce rates in India. I am quoting from Most other web sites contain similar statistics and reasoning :

One can guess that India enjoys a low divorce rate. But it is more surprising to know that the divorce rate in India ranks lowest among all the countries of the world. Statistics shows that only 1 out of 100 Indian marriages end up to a divorce which is quite low in comparison to America’s 50% of marriages turning into breakups. The rate of divorce in India was even low in the previous decade, where only 7.40 marriages out of 1,000 marriages were annulled. The divorce rate in Indian villages is even lower in caparison to urban India.

The following figures will help you to get an idea about the divorce rate in India with respect to global divorce rate. 

       Sweden – 54.9%
       United States – 54.8%
       Russia – 43.3%
       United Kingdom – 42.6
       Germany – 39.4%
       Israel – 14.8%
       Singapore – 17.2%
       Japan – 1.9%
       Srilanka – 1.5%
       India – 1.1%

A survey states that over the past four years the divorce rate in Delhi, the capital city of India has almost doubled and is projected to be 12000 by the year 2008. In 2006, Bangalore, the IT hub of India it was recorded that 1,246 cases of divorce were filed in the court that pertain to the IT sector exclusively. It has been estimated Mumbai has shot up to 4,138 in 2007 while cities that are acknowledged for their cultural richness and social values like Kolkata and Chennai, are no less behind. Agro based states like Punjab and Haryana are now seeing an increase of 150% of divorce rate since the last decade. Kerala, known to be the most literate state has experienced an increase of divorce rate by 350% in the last 10 years.


According to and many other web sites on the subject, , there are several reasons for the divorce-hike in India, like,

       Financial Freedom (for women)
       Increased acceptance by family ( of the Divorced Woman)
       Life in metro cities (No one cares what you are doing)
       Deterioration of moral values
       Stressful modern life
       Transition of gender roles and professional rivalry

And probably many others, some of which we don’t talk of usually.

Now, let us look at the Basic rule of Harmonious relationships once again :

    If you want a LOVING & FAITHFUL HUSBAND or WIFE – 

You must first be a Loving and Faithful Wife  or Husband. 

Are you one? If not, why not?

While I am not disagreeing with the reasons given by various web-sites which are listed earlier, I wish to delve deeper than that. 

After all, I have conducted hundreds of workshops on LIFE SKILLS, and I did understand a few critical things about these all-important human relationships. 
These are UNIVERSALLY APPLICABLE – foe people in USA, for people in India and for people of the countries in between.

So, Readers are requested to follow them through in the next Post in this Blog.

 *   *   *   E   N   D   *   *   *