Wednesday, December 5, 2012






Human Happiness largely depends on one’s commitment to LIFE, to Values, to people around, to an identified Noble Goal and to one’s Nation. 

We often find many people committed to wrong causes, wrong people and wrong Values. These are people who are causing immense suffering to themselves and to the people around. 

At the same time, People committed to noble causes, to deserving people and to the prosperity of their nation and of other nations – are at the root of all HUMAN HAPPINESS.

The following 19 are my thoughts on Commitment. 20-23 are statements from Taittireeya Upanishad of India, which is said to be more than 10,000 years Old. Beyond that, Its Age is actually Unknown. But, the thoughts therein are the sort commitment to others that the Ancient people nurtured in their hearts.

Life is actually LIFELESS, without COMMITMENT. A Group of COMMITTED People can change the world totally. Today, the need is there to change the world totally.

Your Valuable thoughts on this subject are Most welcome. Please insert them through your comments. Now, Please read On.

1.  Your First Commitment is Always to YOU and is within You. That creates Your Character. Beyond that arise the External Commitments.
2.  Commitment Beyond Capability creates stress & Suffering. External Results may be laudable; Internal results Not so.
3.  Commitment is usually proportionate to Capability. But, in course of time, it tends to enhance capability
4.  Where there is No Commitment, there is No Love
5.  Commitment creates Love; Love creates Commitment
6.  Commitment, in the face of conflict, creates courage, endurance and imagination
7.  Commitment changes your Inner Chemistry
8.  Commitment frees You from FEARS; and generates imagination and courage in abundance.
9.  Commitment, like Love, is always UNCONDITIONAL
10.              Commitment is always TOTAL; There is no Halfhearted Commitment
11.              Commitment can only be to TRUTH; not to Untruth; to LOVE, not to Hate; to Prosperity; not to adversity; to friendship; not to enmity
12.              Commitment cannot reduce Obstacles. But it finds solutions.
13.              Your Commitment to Noble causes tends to reduce others' commitment to Ignoble Causes
14.              Commitment knows No Compromise
15.              Action without Commitment Fails Mostly; Action with Commitment Fails RARELY.
16.              Commitment to Spouse keeps Marriage; to the friend, keeps friendship; to the Nation keeps the Nation .Non-commitment destroys All these
17.              Your commitment generates Trust in others
18.              Commitment flows from Character - not from Desire
19.              Commitment converts Desire into Promise, Promise into Plan, Plan into Action & Action into Result. Results are directly proportionate to Commitment

20.              Whoever feeds hungry people with respect & interest-will receive their food also in similar manner and in abundance later-says Taittireeya Upanishad
21.              whoever feeds hungry people with derision, disgust & No-interest - will receive his food also the same way later-Says Taittireeya Upanishad.
22.              Never say 'NO' to any hungry man. For his sake, Earn more wealth & Food. That must be your life long sacred Vow- Says Taittireeya Upanishad
23.              We must not abuse, misuse, reject or throw away FOOD.(or its giver, the host) That must be a lifelong sacred vow -says Taittireeya Upanishad.

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Sunday, December 2, 2012





How many of us understand that the most successful man in Mahabharat was Arjuna?

Lord Krishna was not the focus in Mahabharat. He was the focus in Bhagavat. He was the hero there. Not in Mahabharat.

Lord Krishna knew himself as God, and acted as God. So, his successes are not Human. They are Divine. Lord Krishna’s will gets done by the Prakruti or Nature, any way. Prakruthi has no other way than to abide by the Masters’ sanklapa or wish.

Among others, the most successful character in Mahabharat was, in my opinion, undoubtedly ARJUNA, the middle one among the Pandavas. I am not saying, he was the most knowledgeable person, or most Dharmic Person, or the most generous person. These honours, no doubt, go to some others.

The Most knowledgeable person was the BHISHMA. The most Dharmic person, was YUDHISHTIR (OR DHARMA RAJA). The most generous person was Karna. But, I can’t say, they were the most successful persons. They were not. Arjuna pips them to the Post – for this Honour.

How did he achieve his successes? And what were his successes? If a manual on success is ever to be written, it has to be a treatise on the Life and achievements of Arjuna. There is not a single success principle on earth, that Arjuna did not follow, either consciously or unconsciously.

1.   I am omitting his Birth, because of the boon from Lord Indra. Arjuna did not use this connection much. It was in fact Indra who was proud of him and used his valour for his own success later. Indra became a proud father of a valorous son.

2.   As a child, when Pandavas and Kauravas were once eating their dinner – when, lights went off due to air. Arjuna was one who continued his dinner in darkness – and was thinking very creatively on what he was doing. “If I can eat in Darkness, can I not practice archery in darkness?”, he was deeply in thought. And, he never entertained a doubt that he could do that. He went out after dinner – and started practicing at Night. He became the Best archer of his time very soon, using such success principles. He could see in darkness and shoot his arrows in that darkness with precision. He could hear sounds and shoot the sound-producing substance or animal in darkness. Soon, darkness became a friend for this great archer. Was this not creativity thinking at its very best? Do you know any Olympic champion of archery of TODAY who practices like Arjuna?

3.   He was the one and only archer, who practiced shooting arrows with both hands, with equal skill – for which reason, he was called savyasachi. Do we have one single archer, who practices this way – today?

4.   He was the Darling of his Great Grandfather, Bhishma. He learnt a lot of the art of fighting from his Great grandfather. He also learnt lot of Dharmas from him. From Birth to death, he loved his grandsire wholeheartedly and was also loved by him just as equally – despite the fact, that both of them had to stand on OPPOSITE SIDES, in the war later.

5.   He was the Darling of his Guru Dronacharya also. Drona loved this disciple so much more than even his own son, Aswatthaama. Drona taught much more about Archery and Astras (Celestial weapons) to Arjuna, than to his own son. Arjuna’s Guru Bhakthi was also unparalleled. Whatever the Guru says- he would comply with immediately.

6.   When Guru Drona wanted to test the Pandavas and Kauravas in their archery skills – Arjuna topped the list, and bet all others, not merely  by his Archery skill, but by his Mastery of the SUCCESS PRINCIPLES, of all time.  His focus on his aim – was so intense that nothing in the universe could divert his attention from his aim, and from the object of his focus. When, he was asked to hit the bird’s eye – his eyes saw only the bird’s eye – and nothing else – not even the bird’s head – just its eye. This focus on the Goal continued all through his life – right till the end. Do we today have archers or any one in any other branch of life with such focus today? Arjuna is the Role Model for Goal focus – from those days to today.

7.   There was one incident, in which Ekalavya, a tribal boy, who practiced Archery keeping Drona’s Image as Guru, displayed exceptional archery skills – which made Arjuna ask Drona a question. Master, you promised to make me the Best Archer in the world. But, here is Ekalavya, who claims to be your disciple and you have taught him more skills  than you taught me. Arjuna’s intention here was to learn more than Ekalavya. That’s all. But Drona, in this one instance, comes out in poor light. He takes Ekalavua’s thumb as Guru Dakshina, depriving him from progressing further in Archery. The Beauty of Mahabharat is – that it does not cover up the faults of even great masters. Mahabharat is like Gandhiji’s “My search for Truth” in which he reveals all his negative thoughts and negative actions too – which is what makes him the Mahatma. I don’t know any other person in the world who projected himself so honestly. Mahabharat is in that genre. Drona was the greatest teacher of Martial Arts. Yet, he stooped to the level of depriving his disciple in absentia, the opportunity to prosper. Vyasa and all others knew that Drona would never be appreciated and would never be excused for this Great fault by any one. But, certainly, this fault cannot be attributed to Arjuna – who was asking – Teach me more.

8.   When his disciples completed their coaching – Drona seeks Guru Dakshina. The Dakshina was – to capture King Drupada alive and bring before him. Drupada had humiliated him and he wanted to retaliate for it. He wanted these warrior disciples of his – to complete this retribution. All of them go and fail in the Mission. It was Arjuna (aided to some extent by Bhima) who could succeed in capturing King Drupada, tie him and bring him before his Guru. This incident is a big revelation of the character of Arjuna. Unlike what Pakistan or Afghan terrorists do with captured war prisoners, Arjuna treated his war prisoner so well, that Drupada developed a huge inner desire to have Arjuna as his SON IN LAW. He didn’t have a daughter yet ! But, he did great Tapasya (austerities) later and secured a boon from the God – to get a son who would kill  Drona and get a daughter who would marry Arjuna. I call it the mastery of all time success principles, on the part of Arjuna.

9.   Eventually, only he succeeded in the Archery test in Draupadi’s Swayamwar (choosing of the husband) – to the exclusion of all warriors – but, as per his mother’s wish, all Pandavas married her. But, of course, not once did they find any marital discard because of this marriage.

10.                Draupadi served all her 5 husbands equally well. Of that, there was no doubt. And yet, she too had a slightly greater LOVE  for Arjuna, which comes out clearly, when the Pandavas were to ascend to the  Heavens at the end of Mahabharat. She might be wrong or right. But, it indicates, that Arjuna was more successful in all his relationships than all his brothers.

11.                Talking of relationships, Arjuna’s best relationship was with Lord Krishna. By all accounts, Arjuna loved him as his friend, philosopher and Guide. Krishna was his soul-mate. He sought and abided by his counseling always.

12.                When Duryodhana and Arjuna came simultaneously – to seek Krishna’s backing in the war on their side, Duryodhana, out of Ego, sat near the head of Krishna, while Arjuna sat at the feet of Krishna. Arjuna was a clear winner in this itself. When Lord Krishna got up and asked each of them to choose between 2 options (i) – 10000 warriors equal to himself full armed and actually assisting in war  and (ii) Krishna alone, without using any arms and without battling; Arjuna without an iota of doubt in his mind chose Lord Krishna. Duryodhana went happily with 10000 armed Yadava warriors. Given the slightest opportunity, Arjuna would choose to be on the side of the righteous.

13.                He loved Krishna – and no war was more important to him than Krishna’s company and advice  for him. His confidence  was confirmed in Bhagavad Gita’s last sloka. “where the Yogeswara, the Lord Krishna stands, where Arjuna with his bow stands, there, success is certain” – says the Gita’s closing sloka. Gita doesn’t talk of Bhishma, Yudhistira, Karna, Drona or any other warrior. It was just Arjuna, who was eulogized, that too,  for his success principles. Choosing the company of the divine grace itself was a sure shot principle of Success. Don’t we agree?

14.                In the war, Bhishma, the invincible warrior, lets the Pandavas know the secret to his life (or death)  - because of his love for none other than Arjuna. Arjuna fells him with his arrows using his advice – but shows all his respect, by bringing the holy waters of Ganges from below the earth with his arrows to quench the thirst of his Grandsire.

15.                The whole of Gita comes because of Arjuna’s unfailing love for his Grand sire and for his Great Guru. Krishna does not find fault with that and understands this humane nature of Arjuna. The Greatest Advice from Lord Krishna in the form of Gita - to all human Beings - comes out of Krishna’s own love for Arjuna.

16.                Arjuna’s Greatest success lies in the Gita. The questions he asks are all yours and mine too. They epitomize the problems that all of us face in life. The answers from Lord Krishna were as much to Arjuna as they are to you and me.

17.                I can go on and on mentioning a hundred more events from Arjuna’s illustrious life. But, suffice it to say – Arjuna was valorous, focused, devoted, unfailing in his relationships, unfailing in leading people, and unfailing in planning and ensuring success of his and Pandavas’ future life.

18.                Mahabharat is the Book of Success Principles. There is none other like it.




Thursday, October 18, 2012




Here are my thoughts on Bravery. 

1.   Bravery is the only way to live a useful, joyful file.  
2.   If Timidity is not taught, Bravery arises in you as  GENETIC QUALITY.
3.   If timidity is taught at home, at school, by religion or by society, the timid man will then need to learn Bravery later. And HE CAN LEARN!
4.   Teachers must teach Bravery first; skills next.
5.   Bravery must include character.
6.   Fear is taught. It is not Genetic. It is not inherited.
7.   Bravery is Genetic. It can also be taught. Mother, Father and teacher are primarily responsible.
8.   Whoever tries to teach you timidity, show him the Door.
9.   A nation’s fundamental duty is to teach bravery to its citizens.
10.                All Patriots are, by definition, Brave men and women.
11.                A Nation, which fails to teach patriotism to its people – becomes a weak, timid nation.
12.                Heroism is nothing but bravery with kindness.
13.                All that the Brave man needs is – Good Manners.
14.                Freedom is only for the Brave. There is no Freedom for the Timid. Never.
15.                Women and men are both brave; the external visibility of their Bravery differs in many ways.
16.                Man is explorative; therein lies his Bravery. Woman is highly curious; therein lies her bravery.
17.                Brave man can love; sing; talk; fight; sacrifice; or sleep well. Timid man can do none of these.
18.                Bravery is HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS. Brave man makes people around also, brave like himself.
19.                Brave Man only can be trusted as a Good Friend.
20.                Brave man stands by you in your tough times.
21.                Timid man can desert you in tough times.
22.                An un-patriotic man deserts the Nation in tough times.
23.                Society moves forward only through the efforts of Brave men and women.
24.                Bravery must be propelled and led by Intelligence; not by foolishness. Either way, it tends to win much better than timidity.
25.                Courage and Bravery are almost the same. Courage is your inside quality. But, Bravery is visible at all times, in every act.
26.                Love calls for courage.
27.                Compassion is Bravery. Cruelty is timidity.
28.                Brave man can sacrifice himself for a Cause. Timid man cannot.
29.                Brave man can enjoy every aspect of life. Timid man cannot.
30.                Joy in your life is proportionate to the lack of fear in you, which means, the courage in you.
31.                More the fear, less is the capacity to enjoy life. Less the fear, more is your joy.
32.                Being aware of a cobra’s poison, or a sword’s ability to cut through – does not reduce bravery. It only adds INTELLIGENCE to it. Brave, intelligent man prepares himself well to win.
33.                No one should choose timidity as his way of life. Choose Bravery – and only that.
34.                Can a timid man become Brave? Yes. He can. Anyone can choose BRAVERY as his way of life at any time.
35.                Bravery (-) Intelligence = RASHNESS
36.                Braveness (+) Intelligence = Courage
37.                Braveness (-) Goodness = Daemon-ishness
38.                Braveness (+) Goodness = Divinity
39.                There is always a WAY-OUT of any difficulty for the Brave who use  intelligence.
40.                At least 10 percent of people in a Nation must be taught extraordinary bravery and excellent combat skills. They must guard the nation. A Nation is at peril – if it doesn't do this.
41.                100 percent people in a nation must be brave.
42.                Criminals are by nature timid. But, those who endure crime are much more so. Therefore, criminals look brave.
43.                Bravery always looks for new territories, new methods, new uses, and so on. Blind Conformity with the past – is not for the Brave.
44.                Selfish man can never be a Brave Man.
45.                A man frequently lying is – a timid man.
46.                Honesty calls for Bravery.
47.                Using the Gun is not Bravery. Facing it is.
48.                Timid man fears death. Brave man plays with it.
49.                Bravery also needs Instruction. Brave man also needs a Guru.
50.                Curiosity of the woman = Bravery of the Man; Not much difference, if we ignorance differences in physical strength & qualities
51.                Dog which dies for the master is Brave. Dog which merely fights for food is not.
52.                Winner and vanquished can both be brave – if we ignore their skill and weapon differences.
53.                Brave man is not afraid of God. Timid man is.
54.                Knowing one’s own physical and skill limits is not against Bravery. Brave man doesn’t fight 10 lions. He saves himself in the best way possible.
55.                Dying gracefully needs Bravery.
56.                Toughest times bring out the best of bravery in us.
57.                Thieves, terrorists rapists and the corrupt are all timid persons – who do their wicked deeds under cover. They can’t face THE WORLD for what they do.
58.                Brave Man can be one quarter  brave and three quarters foolish. But, the timid man is four quarters foolish. Foolishness of the Brave is Poles apart from that of the timid in quality. The first one pushes up and the second, down.

There can be no dearth of Ideas on this wonderful subject.

I request readers also to contribute their own IDEAS on BRAVERY & COURAGE, so that, we move together much more on Bravery.

Yours Sincerely